So I'm in a bit of a snit today. Which I always hate to admit. But I have to admit... it happens. And I know I'm not the only one, which is why I'm admitting my snittiness right here on my blog for all the world to see. It's a of a leap of faith but it's just who I am.
Below there is a smattering - a plethora, if you will - of documented reasons why I am in such a lovely mood. Oh, there are more reasons than what you see here, believe me. Sooooooo many more. But these are the only ones I had the guts to show. And just say a silent prayer of thanks that these are all I'm showing ;)
Let's start with the kitchen and the pile of dishes such as I've never faced in my sink before at any time in my entire life. How this happened I'm still clueless. It just did. And the dishwasher has had to be unloaded for about a week now - no seriously, an entire week. Have I mentioned how much I detest my dishwasher? I do. I absolutely detest it. But that's a whole different rant. And as you can see, I took the picture as faaaaaar away as possible, such is my embarrassment.
Ahhhh, the wii controllers and all the video games, TV controllers, blah, blah, blah. Love it. Love that there's a huge basket not 2 feet away to contain everything, but they just can't seem to make it in there.
The endless laundry basket. It multiplies over night while we sleep. And this is just one child's basket. Good thing they supposedly do their own laundry. And as you can see from the pictures of both of their rooms, they keep the rest of their laundry all over their floor so they know where all articles of clothing are at all times. Along with everything else they own. On the floor. Including a very confused cat. Can you find her? (kind of like Where's Waldo, huh)

Let's drop down lower to some other favorite things that drive me completely insane. Ah, the fur roller. Isn't it nice that my kids want to appear neat (even though you've seen how they really live)? Now if they could only throw away the used roller sheets.......
And what do we have here? Something I can attest to that wasn't there the day before. How these HUGE balls of dog fur all of the sudden appear and blow through the house like tumbleweeds, I do not know.
Now, here's an oldie-but-goodie I've lamented about before. DUST. My arch nemesis. See the circle on my red shelf? I JUST DUSTED. How dust can ruin my life so quickly infuriates me on a daily basis. It's not like we live in a windy dust bowl. Okay, yes we do. We live in southern California. And the wind blows a lot - that's why every season here is fire season and it's already in the 80's (soon to be in the 90's and then 100's and boy will I be a pleasure to be around then). So I just answered my own question - I am destined for a life of dust until we escape :(
And last but certainly not least, power cords. Love those power cords. Cords, cords, cords. All over the freaking house. In every corner, behind every piece of furniture, and just to top it off, always covered with dust. I'm always waiting for that "Christmas Story" moment when we plug one too many cords in and the sparks start to fly.
I'm not even going to TOUCH my issues with cleaning bathrooms. No, no... can't even GO there.
Well, I suppose I have stalled long enough and need to start the laundry, and the vacuuming, and the cleaning, and the dishes. And did I mention we have absolutely no food whatsoever and I need to go to the grocery store too? No? Well, that's going to be fun too. And you can bet there will be some diet Coke and some Ruffles in my bag! That's right baby!
Sigh. It's times like these that I feel so...... small. Do you know what I mean? Usually I can keep it together pretty well. Not always easy, but I mean, I can do it - I can do it and keep my head above water. I run a really, really busy family. Crazy busy. I have some time to myself. I remember birthdays. I read my scriptures. I say my prayers. I try to help out. I have projects. I have a nutsy life with all the "stuff" just like everyone else. And I usually do a pretty good job. But sometimes things just pile up. Really though, the only way through it...... is through it. Is to plow your way right through. So....... here I go :)
Glad I got that out.