there's a place in France......
The above photo looks like a painting, doesn't it. I know. Like a fairy tale. Well, believe it or not, it's a photo taken by fellow blogger Stephmodo. Awesome blog by the way - I bet you'd love it. This is actually a (brace yourself) 400 year old stone castle in the south of France she and her husband just purchased. Purchased! And they have begun the arduous task of renovating it so they can give all of us the chance to experience this piece of paradise on earth should we ever want to enjoy the French countryside and need a charming stone castle in which to stay. Oh my gosh, can you even stand it! She will be updating her readers on the renovation occasionally, in between her regular posts, so we'll be able to watch the transformation. Exciting! And if you think the above photo is dreamy? Just look at the castle from afar, below. Sheesh.
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