Saturday, July 31, 2010

I'll say it how I want

*Disclaimer: I apologize for dragging my readers into this. It's an announcement to my cheeky, knucklehead sons. You're more than welcome to continue reading (but consider yourself warned). If you'd rather not, I understand. Take this opportunity to catch up on Apartment Therapy, read a book, visit Dooce's pathetic site, or just chillax.

So Davy and Matthew, here's HOW IT IS: Sometimes I put the 'em-FA-sis' on the wrong 'sill-A-ble'. SO WHAT. It's just part of who I am. You can laugh hysterically all you want but it's how I've always said things. And it doesn't even remotely compare to the doofuses (doofi?) you two are. My hair is white for a reason, you know!!!

SO. If I want to say Whole Foods you are more than welcome to point your fingers and laugh.. But I may as well give you advanced notice, you'll be in charge of  finding your own way home.  
We are most certainly as non-denominational as it comes when it comes to recycling and entertaining a variety of soda in our home . So if I want to say root BEER in stead of root beer, then just DEAL WITH IT YOU WEENIES!!!

And yes, I'll have you know that these are hash BROWNS. And really good ones too, BTW. 

One. More. Thing. 
I get the distinct impression that others around here believe the Walker household does not serve 3 square meals per day. The nerve! First of all, cereal is fortified with all kinds of vitamins and minerals - HELLO!!! So I don't know how anyone could possibly be so naive and critical. Second of all, I do admit that yes, we Walkers are just a little different and do things our own way. So our 3 meals aren't square. They are round. And one of the benefits is if you have an upset stomach from eating Hot Pockets or frozen pizza or taquitos or toaster waffles or Ruffles.... they actually make your stomach feel better! How cool is that! So 3 round meals a day ROCK!!! :D

P.S. You boys need to go to Whole FOODS and get me some hash BROWNS and some root BEER today. So you'd better get a move on.... hey, I'm just sayin :D Because you've got a truckload of yard work later on - LOL!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

best evolution ever

I got this vid from the Mouse. I think I'm possibly the last person on earth that hasn't already seen it. That's okay. Because if you already recognize this video, I know you'll want to see it again, right? RIGHT? I SAID RIGHT???

With all the nonstop things that have been going on around here lately - even though the majority of them are undoubtedly AWESOME - we've all been wound pretty tight. I know that even great things can contain their fair share of stress. The Yahtzee dice... and pens... and even the little leather cup... flying all over the place last night while Elton John's "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" was playing on the stereo, is a pretty good case in point. So I knew we had finally lost what's left of our minds. I felt sure this video would be just the perfect thing for today :)

Ah, laughter :) I plan on watching it maybe two or seventeen times at first, and then some more later on. ENJOY!

Friday, July 23, 2010

28 to celebrate

Our 28th wedding anniversary is today! 28 years of marriage! How can that possibly be?!
(we took our own roll of film to choose our announcement photo. we shot the entire roll in my apartment bathroom. 
the camera was set up on a tripod in the sink so we could see ourselves in the mirror. I was kneeling on the toilet seat. for reals.)
(St. George, Utah at the end of July... what were we thinking? 
it was so hot my hair was wet and my make-up was long gone. but most importantly, a fun, fun day with friends and family.)
Happy Anniversary John - and thank you for the countless wonderful times we have shared these past 28 years :) 

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

all I see is yellow and cosmic

Ah, nothing like new tie dye. NOTHING! And you'd be a NUTCASE to have come here and not know that I love one color only, and that one color is TIE DYE :D And since you pretty much have the entire contents of my closet before you (you think I jest but alas, except for my jeans and my "Life is Good" shirts, I JEST NOT), you can see that as much as I love color, I was lacking in the pinks and turquoises that I so dearly love. Or in other words, you could also say I was lacking in the colors that separate myself between all the testosterone that I live with. 

I e-mailed my favorite tie dye place in all the land (wait for it... wait for it...) and chose a few designs I was also missing, and asked if they could make me some custom shirts with those designs and colors I felt I was really in need of. I had been saving a bit of money and now was the time or that money would fly out the window. Well the shirts I received are the ones you see above, and I nearly cried with happiness when I unwrapped them. (is that normal, to cry over tie dye shirts? when I don't really cry anyway? just wondering) Are they SO AMAZING!!!!!!

On with my little story. Over the years I have been asked over and over and over again where I get my tie dye shirts. No, I don't make them myself. No, it's not local. No, it's not even in the US! But it IS online, and it IS the best. And they have WAY more items of clothing than just tee shirts - WAY more! So get ready to bookmark this site - I'm pretty sure you'll love it, and no, I'm not joking around. So I'm going to take you on a tiny little tour of my tiny little closet, and then I will reveal my source. Then just like me, you too can wear tie dye shirts and get compliments from WalMart employees and teenage boys sitting on bus benches smoking cigarettes.  
Orange Mandala, Blue Swirl (I have it in purple too, but I hate purple), Rainbow Swirl

Vibrations, Rainbow Heart (*love*), Green Mandala
Shhhhh... a reverent moment of silence for The Holy Ones. They have earned our utmost respect.
These are they who have lasted at least 10 years - yes, really truly. Faded? Never! Marked with paint? Yes. 
Torn by rose bushes? Yes. Out of commission? Never! Relegated to nightshirt status? Yes.  
one of my fave things EVAH - my tie dye socks :)

OHHH!!! Is this not the most gorgeous tie dye Tapestry Art! Now I get to introduce you to... (drum roll please)...
They are the best of the best of the BEST! Created and run by Valerie Shane in beautiful British Columbia Canada Wildflower is the one and only place I ever purchase my tie dye products from - for about 10 years now!
It's true, that once you've found the best, you don't mess with the rest! Wildflower is a bit more costly, but their product is so much more superior, there is just no comparison. Quality fabrics, dyes that never run OR fade, products the entire family can wear or you can choose for gifts, and TONS of beautiful and fun design choices. Wildflower even offers custom orders - which I have also done - and Valerie has always gone above and beyond to make sure I am satisfied with everything she has ever made for me. I really enjoy supporting her business :)

So having made my little speech, here are just a very few samples I pulled from Wildflower's site. This will show you a small variety of what they have to offer. There are MANY items I'm not even showing here - and everything you do see here comes in more sizes, styles and colors! Hard to believe so much variety in tie dye - but it's true!
baby onesies - sooo cute :)

little girl/toddler dress - I know, I know... this was my very most favorite thing :)
woman's "Ocean" summer dress

black & white spiral tee - my next purchase for sure (it's so Tim Burton)

"Earth" tee - I don't know how Valerie does some of the scenes she does, but they are fantastic

Thanks for sticking around for all the eye candy! Give Wildflower Tie Dye a visit & join them on Facebook :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

such. a. punk.

Oh Mouse. You and your dirt. And air. And goo. "I need new riding boots... I need new riding gloves... When are we going riding next?" You are always ready for your next big adventure. Or taking things apart in the garage. 

Your freshly washed bike and (*NEW*) riding boots

LOOK at that face! Look at that mischievous, dirt-covered, scruffy, cheeky, scrappy WOOKIE-like Mouse face!
Hey wait. What's that little crumb on your upper lip right there......

Oh. All right. I see how it is. You think you can just come on in and grab a bag of my Ruffles now, is that it?
You think you're so tough now, flying through the air on that bike of yours. I get it. My Ruffles are your Ruffles?
Okay, well my little punk dude? I just want you to remember that I know where you sleep at night, all right?
And that I'm the one that brought you and your little punk self into this world, and I can also take you out of it :0
And that I'll be happy to share my Ruffles with you if you just ASK me first. (GloZell would say AX)
And I CANNOT believe I'm doing this... but I'm posting this video JUST. FOR. YOU... 

Love, Mom xoxoxo

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Go Glo

As you have probably assumed, this has been another stressful week here at the Walker home. We are certainly still elated knowing Daniel is fine in Uganda, *and* I am happy to report that my bronchitis is finally going away! The temperatures outside are in the 100's, half the furniture in my house in on Craigslist, and I'm struggling to get new, uber-cool photos sent to And to top all of that off, Davy suddenly became very ill with a flu bug that was so awful... well, it's been years since I've seen him even remotely that ill - and that was when he had a horrifying case of shingles. That boy rarely gets really sick, but it seems like when he does, it nearly does him in. I'm not sure why we were all so tried and tested this week. Sometimes I think there are reasons for everything and sometimes I think it's just part of the life we all signed up for. Right now I'm just glad the worst seems to be over!

Most of you know I think GloZell Green is HYSTERICAL. You may or may not agree, heh. When push comes to shove, I usually have a mode of operation. I eat Ruffles and drink diet Coke. I listen to music. I think of cool projects. I spend hours trying to catch up on the Apartment Therapy blog. I watch GloZell videos on You Tube. These are some of my favorites - a few of which I've posted here before. Prepare yourself because I'm the first to admit that they're really OUT THERE. The "push-up-bra", and the "tic-toc" vids both deserve at least 2 views :)


Thursday, July 15, 2010

never alone

~ map of Kampala, capital city of Uganda, Africa ~

If you're my friend on Facebook, you know I've mentioned this several times already. And I can't thank all of you enough - truly - for your kind comments. But along with all the utter nonsense fun that goes on here, my blog is a journal of sorts, so I'm going to write out this story, and then I'm ready to be done. I feel I'd be ungrateful not to.

You may remember my oldest son Daniel is spending 3 months this summer in Kampala, Uganda, as a research assistant for one of his professors. During the school year, Daniel is a teacher's assistant for this professor at the university he attends. He went with 2 other assistants, and the professor came to oversee their research for a few weeks as well. Daniel has one month to go, and he has that month to himself as the others have left, and he concludes a special project he is working on. And of course, if you know Daniel, part of his "research" included watching every World Cup match. He was born with blood type "International" in his veins (don't ask me how - the rest of us are all "A" negative) and when that is the case, you automatically develop a love for all things futbol. 

When it came to Sunday's Finale' between Spain and the Netherlands, we knew he would be yelling for Spain. I was so happy when Spain won, knowing how pleased Daniel would be :) When his professor called us very late Sunday night to inform us that Kampala had been bombed by terrorists twice in two crowded public areas during the last part of the World Cup Finale'...... and that they had been trying for hours to reach Daniel but no one could contact him...... I felt myself go numb. I am not one to panic. I have pretty strong faith. But terrorist mentality terrifies and INFURIATES me, no matter what part of the world it occurs. And it had just hit where my son was. 

It seemed to take forever. I guess it didn't, it just seemed to. So many of us sending Daniel texts, e-mails, trying to Skype over and over...... to no avail. We knew he had probably watched the game at home and was still sleeping. The 10 hour difference makes communication that much harder. But I also knew he liked going out with friends to pubs or cafes to watch the games. What if this was one of those times? My mind wouldn't let me go there. I e-mailed his sweet friend Alissa because I felt she should know what was going on too, and it was comforting to e-mail back and forth with her. The Mouse, bless his heart, kept watch on any BBC news updates. And then finally - FINALLY! - I received a short text from Daniel's Uganda cell phone that said he was all right.

"I'm fine :) no worries"

That short text was the sweetest text I've ever received. I was so full of gratitude that Daniel was okay. I can't even express it. Heartbroken for all the fatalities and injuries that took place, and for all the families affected in such a cruel, intentional manner. Ugh. But elated that my boy, so many thousands of miles away, was fine. The internet at his house had been wiped out but not too long afterwards, he was able to get to an internet cafe so he could read our e-mails and send us one back. And yesterday, for the first time, I was able to Skype with him and HEAR MY BOY'S VOICE. It was the best feeling in the world to know that my son was alive and well. But it was the most wonderful, indescribable feeling of joy to hear his voice. I will never ever, in my entire life, forget it.

So there are rules he must be careful to obey of course, especially since he is an American. No large crowds, no ex-patriot hang outs, in before dark. I know how much he wants to finish this project, and I know how much he loves the people and the friends he's made. So he has made up his mind to stay. But personally? I can't wait until he is safely back home. And don't for one second think I won't be counting the days. BECAUSE I WILL BE. Even if he leaves to go back to school a week later. I won't even put up a fuss. Unless of course he gets cheeky and just shrugs off the whole terrorist bombing like it really wasn't a big deal. Then I'm afraid I may have to PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE. But for now..... I would be the most ungrateful mom ever if I didn't take a moment to thank God in heaven above, with all my heart, for watching over my boy. For all the times - the countless times - he has traveled all over the world, but never been alone. I know he has never been alone. 
Rafting the Nile  (Daniel is up on his knees in back)
Chicos, les felicito - bien hecho

Monday, July 12, 2010

purging the cell

There comes a time when after more than four years of using your pink Razor cell phone - complete with texting capabilities for the modern stone age woman -  you think it might be a good idea to clean out all your old cell phone photos. Especially since you're beyond excited, having finally ordered the Droid Incredible (clouds part... sun shines... chorus of angels sing) and are anxiously awaiting it's arrival in just a matter of weeks. There were a lot of surprise photos on my phone. Who knew my kids could steal my phone and take so many close-up photos of their FACES when I wasn't looking? But there were actually a lot of photos that brought back great memories and were such fun to see again! So here we go............ 

Scrappy Angel and Upside Down Luna
Daniel and Kaylee and their trucks :)

         ANDY: "Hey, what's a 'spunow' bar?"
My friend's VW van and my Bug :)
Davy, Kaylee, Daniel, Sam, and the Mouse

Don't know how this sunset came out so well on my crappy camera phone, but it's sure pretty!
This would be Davy sitting in my Bug, filling out his very first job application (for Scooter's Jungle)
Andy, Davy, Jimmy - corner of Sunset Blvd, Hollywood CA - setting up for first performance @ the Whiskey
    a fun little cartoony painting I did about Luna & Angel... AND... a tour of the Warner Brother's Backlot :)
The original set of Central Perk coffee shop. I admit to humming Smelly Cat.
hey, it's ME. you KNOW there are going to be some vintage croquet balls around here.
This photo may actually be the single most important photo on here, and I'm not even going to tell you why. 
This is my precious cousin Shell - you may recognize her, as she's been on my blog before. I love & adore her.
Let's just say the waiter took one look at us that night, and this was the "size" of diet Cokes he brought us.
VanHalen back together with David Lee Roth at the Staples Center, w/ Eddie's son Wolfgang on bass.
(yeah... sorry 'bout that Daniel... you were up at school, you know... studying and all that)

celebrating Daniel's recent 24th birthday at California Pizza Kitchen - 
one of the rare times he was home for several weeks... right before he left for Uganda for 3 months - LOL :)
the red velvet cake was going so fast I almost didn't get a shot of it!

So I hope you enjoyed my wacky little tour of "Random Things From My Cell"...
if you're sick of seeing my kids or hearing how cute my dogs are... that's too bad because this is my blog.