Sunday, July 18, 2010

Go Glo

As you have probably assumed, this has been another stressful week here at the Walker home. We are certainly still elated knowing Daniel is fine in Uganda, *and* I am happy to report that my bronchitis is finally going away! The temperatures outside are in the 100's, half the furniture in my house in on Craigslist, and I'm struggling to get new, uber-cool photos sent to And to top all of that off, Davy suddenly became very ill with a flu bug that was so awful... well, it's been years since I've seen him even remotely that ill - and that was when he had a horrifying case of shingles. That boy rarely gets really sick, but it seems like when he does, it nearly does him in. I'm not sure why we were all so tried and tested this week. Sometimes I think there are reasons for everything and sometimes I think it's just part of the life we all signed up for. Right now I'm just glad the worst seems to be over!

Most of you know I think GloZell Green is HYSTERICAL. You may or may not agree, heh. When push comes to shove, I usually have a mode of operation. I eat Ruffles and drink diet Coke. I listen to music. I think of cool projects. I spend hours trying to catch up on the Apartment Therapy blog. I watch GloZell videos on You Tube. These are some of my favorites - a few of which I've posted here before. Prepare yourself because I'm the first to admit that they're really OUT THERE. The "push-up-bra", and the "tic-toc" vids both deserve at least 2 views :)



  1. HHAHAHAHAHA. Oh my, this does not surprise me at all that you love her! My roommates and I quoted the push-up bra one all the time last year! So funny.

  2. first a all, glozell is so funny and never underescamate the power of cherry lip gloss and who doesn't brush their teeth with jack? actually, it's the alcohol in mouthwash that is really good for your teeth - go figure. sorry to hear you and davy of sick, especially the shingles = painFUL. hope you're both feeling better by now. xo, cindy

    ps the movie 'i am love' still has us talking about it. so intense.
