Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy National Potato Chip Day and yes I am alive

Hello my wonderful friends, readers, commenters, and fellow bloggers!
Yes, it's really me. 
I have missed you very much.
Thank you all for your e-mails, notes, cards, messages, FB comments, etc.
Your concern for my health and where the heck I was really touched me.
I appreciate your loyalty and friendship and encouragement.
It has been a long haul for me, and I still have a long way to go.
I wish I didn't but I do.
However, you know me:
How could I not post on National Potato Chip Day!?!?
So Happy National Potato Chip Day!
Ruffles have ridges my friends - they do indeed :)
I will not be back quite as often for now, but I am definitely back.
I have a lot of things to tell you. I have a lot of neat stuff to share with you.
I have updates about my boys and my dogs and even diet Coke.
So much has happened around here!
But just for today, please eat some reduced fat Ruffles for me
- or whatever your very most favorite potato chips are -
and enjoy National Potato Chip Day!
❤ with love to you all ❤