Thursday, March 21, 2013


After years of coveting! A baby Arco lamp! Mid-Century Modern design at it's coolest!
Big, big thanks and much appreciation to John for this amazing surprise!
I've been wanting one for years, and a few days ago he and the Mouse snuck this in
 I mean seriously, it's gorgeous! I have a Lumen bulb in it right now.
See all the holes on top? They make a fabulous light pattern on the ceiling!
Thank you John! Thank you, thank you! :D

a bunch of garbanzo

 I can never get enough protein in seems so there are a few things I rely on - like garbanzo beans.
This is a salad I threw together (please refrain from fainting if possible) and really like.
After I drain the garbanzo beans, I added chopped carrots, red bell peppers, mushrooms, mixed shredded cheese, and sunflower seeds. Then I toss them with a bit of my favorite Italian dressing.
It makes a great lunch! I'd change a few things however..... 
NO mushrooms next time (they don't do well after the first day), 
and I'd probably add some baby corn and some toasted sesame seeds.
Any suggestions of what else I could add?

trampoline time

 I know, I know..... life is really rough :D
Many of you know one of my fave things to do is to lay on the trampoline on a nice day.
We've had several nice days, and the above photo is my view when I'm chillaxin' to some tunes! 
 I also scam on the boys as they're playing ping pong and don't know I'm watching
Okay, they probably know I'm watching but I like to think they don't
 I'm so artsy with my photography skills
SOMEONE around here has been hiding in the shrubbery :)

friends and cupcakes

My dear, dear friend Joan came to town to visit her adorable daughter Whitney - YAY!
Do you recognize them? Yes, they've been on my blog before! I *LOVE* this dynamic duo!
While Whitney was working Joan and I drove to 4 different cupcake bakeries - yes we did!
 And that night we had a very FUN cupcake taste-off!
We had everything from Twinkie cupcakes to Bacon/Maple cupcakes!
And everything in between! Nutella cupcake anyone? That was my favorite by far!
I know - it's really a nasty job, but SOMEONE'S gotta taste all those cupcakes!
I love you Joan and Whitney! xoxoxoxo

Davy turns 22

 I'm always under the delusion that my boys are still little..... but they are obviously not!
I need to get a grip for heaven's sake!
 Oh Davy I love you! Smart, creative, funny, musical, sensitive..... and very loud :)
 New laptop he'll need for school in the fall!
Hey - he got a scholarship to his dream fine arts school in Chicago! 
Way to go Davy - so proud of you!
 Davy and his awesome girlfriend Taylor :)
Birthday planking?

can't help it



~~~ This is our new baby, Stella ~~~
I saw this sweet, squishy little face on Petfinder and it was love at first sight!
Within a few days, she came to our home and we adopted her!

This sweet little girl had been found wandering in L.A. and was turned into the pound.
She has been neglected, had recently been a mama, but remained SO SWEET :) 
A rescue group got her out of the pound, cleaned her all up and fostered her.
She is a miniature American Eskimo mix - mixed with, most likely, Poodle
She's about 5 years old..... tiny but chubby..... and so FUNNY! She fits right into our family!
Her looks and antics instantly gave her all kinds of nicknames - mainly Stelly the Belly :)
Where is Luna in all this? She has been a pretty good sport, bless her heart.
She has to remind Stella that SHE is the boss, and we've given her lots of extra love.....
but Luna is such a good girl and they're playing together more and more often :)
Stella follows Luna everywhere, and is always trying to kiss her and clean her and play!
We all *LOVE* her! She has the most endearing little ways - it's impossible not to adore her!
She's a kisser and a cleaner, hehe - the Mouse is her favorite baby to clean :)
She will crawl up onto any pillow and take a nap - it's about the sweetest thing EVER
She has the funniest crooked teeth, a serious overbite, and sticks her tongue out when she sleeps
She plays FETCH! It's pretty much the cutest thing I think I've ever seen :)
And apparently, there *IS* such a thing as too much fetch
"Good morning, mama! I'm ready for adventure!"
I'm so grateful for this precious little girl and her sweet little spirit :)