Monday, June 25, 2012

cuz he's the bomb

Rambutans - Daniel's favorite food in Laos
He says they're similar to large grapes
I say they look cool but a little freaky
Daniel eating rambutans in Vientiane, Laos
They resemble eyeballs. I miss him.
He loved my recording of Landslide. And then he wrote this. I love this guy :)

if God were solely just
how many of us would be lost?
if God were solely merciful
how many of us would remember Him?
but He being both, then we are both
often lost
with only glimpses of our memory

this too shall pass, it is said
but it does not pass now, not yet
often lost
waiting in eternities
which even too, will pass,
but not yet

is patience the same as hope?
perhaps with patience we endure His justice
and close our eyes in peace,
though often lost
and with hope we endure His mercy
and hold to fickle memories
of love

Friday, June 22, 2012

I make stuff

Like these *FUN* light switch and outlet covers!
Most items on today's post are previews of upcoming tutorials! Let me know what you'd like first! 
And yes, I've been very busy. It's called therapy in order to keep my sanity.
Let me eat cake!
Embellishing jeans - an ongoing project for me always!
Yep, I made this lampshade. Sometimes I scare myself. 
I'm a bark cloth lover to the 3rd degree! This time I'm making A. MAZE. ING. pillows!
But I couldn't refuse this bark cloth quilt on eBay for $59! LOVE IT!
and last but not least.....
Nope, I didn't make these, but I *AM* selling them! Land's End King Size Flannel Sheets/Cases
The pic doesn't do them justice - they're GORGEOUS! 
We slept on them one time and then gave up our old king size bed and purchased a queen.
So name your price and they're yours - I need them to go to a good home!
Okay kids, let me know which craft or project you'd like to see first and I'll post it!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

favorite people stuff

Let me just say, life is a whirlwind. Here are some of the peeps I love, and what we've been up to. 
And just let me tell you, we've been up to a lot. Like..... a LOT.
First off, I've been taking lots of pics of my fave things, like the flowers above.
 Ahhh, my girl Tori and the chocolate vegan rosettes she made. I love this girl :)
 Awww..... the cutest girls in the world (well ALMOST all of them!) before prom. I love you girls!
 YESSS! Getting to see one of my bestest friends Joan, and her adorable daughter Whitney!
Are they just too cute with their matching jammies or WHAT!
We had such a great time, and I *loved* having Whitney here to stay for several weeks!
My oldest boy Daniel - world traveler extraordinaire - packing for the summer in Laos :(
(and Davy's naughty kitty trying not to be noticed)
We ate a LOT of my girl Hayley's amazing - no, seriously, AMAZING - homemade bread!!!
Listening to Davy's anti-social band practice many, many, many (you get the idea) times 
in our super messy garage when it was 100 degrees out there and yes, this is a run-on sentence.
 The gang before attending a 1920's party - SO FREAKING CUTE!
John, Ernie, Taylor, Davy & Whitney
The Mouse brought a tiny little furry baby home from work late one night!
He knew she couldn't make it on her own without her mama :(
This adventure actually deserves it's own post, so yeah, hang tight.
We went out to Westlake Village and spied on my old house across the water on Westlake Island.
It brought back some great memories - I will always love Westlake :)
Stay tuned - yup, I've been up to a lot more. Like, a LOT more!

Monday, June 18, 2012


This was a really rough week and an ever rougher weekend.
At some point I'll probably post about it but I don't think I can do it yet. 
I'm sure those of you who are FB friends know what I mean...
John put this together today at the perfect time - whew :)

Something John, the Mouse and I recently recorded.
Kind of poignant in my life right now.
Our pics of the Swiss Alps outside of Lucern provides the eye candy.
Vocals start out a little rough... but most of it's good, hehe - enjoy :)


Monday, June 11, 2012

Luna the Lionhearted

(this post is especially for Gaylen)
Matthew apparently didn't have enough to do during finals week, being that he's a genius and all. 
He obviously didn't need to study or do anything productive, so he decided to give Luna a lion-cut.
After he asked permission, of course. AND I SAID NO.
(poor little Angel..... she can't grow any fur except a little fuzz here and there :'( sniff.....)
Though Matthew had made a valiant attempt, I needed to fix her up just a bit.....
which of course I didn't mind doing, because I have nothing but loads of extra time on my hands.
Wow, it's too bad Luna really can't tolerate attention of any kind :/
Awww..... here she is all fixed up with her puffy new lioness mane!
I must admit, Luna seems to really enjoy her new haircut -
she is taking the job of being queen of the jungle very seriously.
Look how regal she looks in the bright morning sun!
