Friday, October 16, 2009

2010 Wild Child Arts calendars

FINALLY in my Wild Child Arts store at Etsy - and it's about time too, dadgummit! Because I only made 10 of them and 2 of them are already gone! When I said "limited quantities" I meant it!

I'll keep it short and sweet. I've been making my own calendar for 10 years now. They're awesome. Take my word for it. My original design. Lots of space to write on. Fun paper. Printing or Cursive to choose from. Frosted vinyl front and back cover. $30. If you're interested, click --------> HERE <------- and visit my Wild Child Arts store at Etsy. You can see way more pics and all the info.

These 2 are already gone! Tee hee hee! :)



  1. OK I want a calendar. Do I have to do it on the computer or can I just tell you now? You know how I love the computer. So much easier over the phone. XOXO
