Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Giveaway Winners!

Last night when everything was quiet except for the rain, I held the most awesome little ceremony :) First I wrote down each and every name of all those of you who had made happy birthday blog comments (which I am still over-the-moon about... you guys are JUST. THE. BEST). Then I pulled out my great-grandmother's wooden salt barrel (is it not so amazing!!!) and put all the neatly folded pieces of paper inside.
I took a photo to document all the little pieces of paper were cozy inside, just as they should be! Then I covered the top of the barrel with my hand, shook it up real well, and without looking, I drew out 4 slips of paper. The ANTICIPATION! SO EXCITING! (except that 2 pieces of paper snuck inside 2 of the 4 pieces I drew - devious little things! lol)
And HERE ARE OUR WINNERS, in order of drawing them!!!

The first 3 winners are:
  • My *adorable* friend Sara from the colorful and inspiring blog Sara's Art House!
  • My long distance friend and fellow Family Folk Art lover Kelly from New York City!
  • My *dear* friend Cindy from the lovely and popular blog Quaint Handmade!
You wonderful peeps may choose whichever Wild Child Arts notecard set you like :)

My GRAND PRIZE winner is:
  • Faithful reader *amazing* Amy Cazier - super mom, super wife, super person all around!
Amy, you may choose whichever Wild Child Arts 2010 calendar you like :)
*** the calendars are nearly done - I'm still waiting for the spiral bindings! Just stay tuned... almost there...!!!

And you will notice 2 pieces of paper with names on them below our winners. These are the devious papers that snuck inside 2 pieces of paper I drew! lol! So because you are cheeky - and mostly because I like you:
  • My *beautiful* friend inside and out, Naomi from California
  • My *lovely* no-longer-a-lurker friend, Barb from Pennsylvania
You both may choose whichever Wild Child Arts 5x7 photograph you would like :)

YIPPEEEEEEEE!!! What an awesome day full of WINNERS!!!
*all winners please e-mail me at megibug at gmail dot com*

Thank you to everyone who took the time to comment. I am happy to say that this is the first of many fun giveaways I have planned for the future of Wild Child :)

But you know what? I am the real winner. Like I have already said, your comments have meant more to me than you'll ever know. You coming here to read my blog means the world to me. What a year this has been! I've tried to put it into words and I just can't. But I do have such a full heart, and I feel like my life is full of blessings all around me. And you are such a huge part of all those blessings. Thank you with all my heart for being here

And here's to another amazing year at Wild Child!!! xoxoxo


  1. WOW, I never win ANYTHING!!! haha...Thanks Megan! I am SO excited to have my very own Megan original calendar! You know I love them!! You are awesome!! Love ya Meg!!!

  2. OK, it was hard to choose b/c I love them all --but I think I will pick Love & friendship---adorable!!!!! Thanks so much! Here is my address:

    Sara Mincy
    225 Keri Dr
    Garner, NC

  3. oh wow, you are so generous! i really psyched to be a winner in your birthday extravaganza. thanks, meg and i can't wait for next year! xo, cindy

  4. this is such a nice end to this
    l-o-n-g day! thanks so much.
