Peeps! I have no idea how it snuck up on me, but wild child's very first birthday is fast approaching! And what a year it's been. I can hardly begin to put it into words. I'm not sure I'll even try. But I'm sharp enough to know that this milestone deserves a big celebration! And you blog readers know what that means... a GIVEAWAY! I've never done a giveaway before. I've always shied away from them, thinking I'd mess it up somehow :/ But I truly have so much gratitude in my heart for all of you wonderful readers who have been so awesome this first year... it's a great time to give some heartfelt gifts from me to you. Because after all, my blog readers totally rock!!! You are the best!!! You make my day!!!
So here's the scoop - put your thinking caps on, okay? My 1 year birthday is next Tuesday, October 13th. That gives you SIX full days to LEAVE A COMMENT ON THIS POST. Tell me your fave thing about wild child - and feel free to make a suggestion of what you might like to see more of in the future. Make sure you leave your NAME and E-MAIL ADDRESS so if your name is picked, I can get ahold of you! That's all you have to do!
Here's the fun part. There will be 3 winners chosen and 1 grand prize winner, all chosen at midnight on October 13th. The 3 winners will each win one set of my hand-made notecards, all featuring my original photographs. They are so new they're not even in my Etsy store yet! And they're awesome! The grand prize winner will receive my hand-made 2010 calendar. This is my first year selling them, and I'm only making a limited edition of 12 for my Etsy store. And they are way cool! *I'm restocking my Etsy store now, so stay tuned :)
Good luck, best wishes, and I LOVE YOU ALL!!!
Now start posting your comments :)
And if you're not yet FOLLOWING wild child?
Now would be the time to sign up!
scroll down the right hand side bar where it says
"subscribe to wild child"
Hi Megan!
ReplyDeleteThe thing that I love about your blog is that it makes me feel like I get to see you and visit with you even though we are a state away! I also love your posts about your boys and your crafty crafts. Your blog is a nice potpourri. Congratulations on 1 year! Your giveaway is generous!
i love the color, your tutorials, the color, your family stuff, the color, ruffles, the color. you get me? but, most importantly, i love you and your rad hair. happy 1st birthday, you look great for a 12-month old! i'm glad i'm getting to know ya' xo, cindy
ReplyDeleteI love your 'Wild Child' blog and read it every single day. In fact, if you don't post a day, I get a little sad. What I love most about your blog is your honesty and your free spirit. I'd love to have just an ounce of your creativity.....you art always inspires me. I would love to have any one of the beautiful giveaways, especially since 13 days after your give away is my turn of the century mark!! Thanks for all your inspiration!
I love the immediate "happy"! When I open up Wild Child...there is always color, life and your authentic spirit. Congratulations on your 1 year!
ReplyDeleteCONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I love your blog - I love the color and fun!!!
ReplyDeleteI am really excited about your calendar! How wonderful. I would love to win that. I love your use of color and the life and fun and vitality!
Hi Megan!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for all the time and effort you put into producing such a wonderful blog!!! I truly look forward to reading it each day!
I always love reading it, but I especially like reading about each new stage in your life and how you handle your kids etc. Your experiences help us all to feel like we aren't alone in this world. You communicate in a way that makes me laugh and cry. Thanks for inspiring such great emotion!
Hope you always keep your blog going. It is such a joy!!
Also, thanks for sharing your creative craft ideas! You always make them look simple...though I haven't been brave enough to try one yet...I'll get there ;-)
Much love!!XOXOXO
Kelly Brammer(kellybrammer@yahoo.com)
You are like a ray of sunshine and your blog represents you and all your personality. You’re interest and your family and all your laughs and happiness show up on your blog…it is wonderful, just like you.
ReplyDeleteI love reading it and showing it to others at work. You make so many people happy with your blog and it is like seeing you when we can’t
Keep it up you are a inspiration to all just like one of your readers said “your blog brightens my day!!!”
Congrats on your 1 year anniversary Wild Child!! You have already given the best “give away” that is your time and thoughts and ideals and love of doing it.
Miss you Sue
Oh, you precious, precious people......... it's 12:20am and I just finished picking the winners of my very first GIVEAWAY! VERY FUN! I will make the announcement tomorrow morning - probably before you ever read this :)
ReplyDeleteNow that all the comments have been made, I just want to thank all of you for your uplifting and thoughtful words. You'll truly never know how much they have meant to me. I feel absolutely bowled over with love. Thank you my dear friends. I am so very grateful for all of you :)
With Love,
Megan ❤
Wow! This blog is sooooooo amazing! I'm ALWAYS in for diet cyber soda and chips!!! I'm excited, girlfriend!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
You make us all happy,
With this blog, yes it's true!
Much, much love! And AMAZING picture of that flower at the top! Wow!