Thursday, October 8, 2009

cuppa cuppa burnin' love

I am not a coffee drinker, but it's one of my all time favorite smells on earth. COFFEE........ MMMMMMMMMM :) I could smell it 24/7 and never get tired of it. When I was in college, I actually kept an open bag of chocolate infused coffee beans tacked up on the wall next to my bed. Fortunately, I had really great roommates that put up with all of my endless shenanigans.
So are you wondering where these awesome coffee art photos came from? I came across a great little blog that I just love. It's called Art In My Coffee! It just makes me happy. I love simple. I love special talents. I love art showing up in unexpected places. And I love little gems of creativity that makes people smile.
So go check it out. Coffee art creations are submitted from talented baristas near and far. Don't miss the second page either! Just a simple little site that will make you smile :) Art In My Coffee! Now that I think about it, I need another open bag of coffee beans around here.......... :)

***and for heaven's sake, don't forget to make a comment on my 1st Birthday post so you're all signed up for my fab GIVEAWAY! Five days and counting!

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