Monday, October 19, 2009

Zombie Night

So Saturday night was Zombie Night in our town. Zombie Night consisted of a Zombie Walk through town (450 groaning zombies) and a Zombie Prom held back at the comic book store with food (I guess even zombies get hungry?) and entertainment. Davy's band, Cost of the Recall, was one of the bands performing. Two of it's members returned home from college for this event, as this would be the band's final performance - a bittersweet but very fun evening.

Here are Matthew and his friends Jeffery and David all bloodied up and looking very zombie-like.
Nice job guys!
And not 5 minutes later, Davy and Liam pull up looking extremely dead and sunken-eyed and creepy.
Liam was very pasty and scary and already playing the part. He was totally ready for the Zombie Prom. I was impressed.
I especially liked the scabs and blood coming out of his nose. Extra points for that.
stumbling along on the Zombie Walk
two heads are better than one
Ah, here we are at the comic book store, and it's time for Cost of the Recall's farewell performance! Davy looks deep in zombie concentration. Perhaps he has lost too much blood. Perhaps he is dizzy from the platform shoes he and Liam made. Perhaps he is regretting this blog post.
Seriously, it was an electric evening in every way. Every band member was at their best. They sounded awesome. They had the most amazing time ever. The crowd sang along to their songs. They were their usual personality-filled selves :)

If we could only get Davy to keep his clothes on while he performs...
gotta love it :)

*special thanks to Liam Moore for the majority of these pics!


  1. Hilarious!!!!

    I got my cards today!!!!!!!!!! LOVE them. Wow- they are great. Can't wait to use them. Thank you, thank you so much!!!

  2. Final Performance?? Oh no...and I never got to hear them perform. Love Davey's haircut. That guy has an enviable head of hair.

  3. Kinda Creepy. But it has been a long time since I had a teenage boy around at halloween time. Too funny.

  4. i never thought i would say this about zombies, i'm still terrified after seeing the original 'night of the living dead' when i was like 12, but they are so bloody cute. great post which (witch) had me laughing out loud!

  5. And whosoever shall be found
    Without the soul for getting down
    Shall have to face the hounds of hell
    And rot inside a corpse's shell

    R.I.P. Michael

  6. looks like everyone had a bloody good time!!!
    can't wait to see what the band does when they get back together for their reunion tour!!!
