So how was I to know, when I started this infernal bookshelf project - a project that would normally take me about 2 hours to complete - that this would end up being one of the all time craziest weeks ever?!? My thirteen year old has been sick not once, but twice. The tree trimmer and his crew showed up. I had one of those artery scans to see if I'm going to keel over any time soon. I'm cleaning and organizing and going through magazines right and left. The landscaper and HIS crew showed up. My middle son's 18th birthday is Friday! EIGHTEEN! How did this happen?!?
So as you can see, a slight shift of priorities has occurred. But I have continued work on my bookshelves nonetheless. And they are looking good. Although after all this ridiculous suspense, I can say with complete confidence and in all honesty, the results will be a HUGE let down. So please prepare yourselves accordingly. Hey, I'm just sayin.
Your middle son and my daughter share a birthday. Her's is Friday too! I had no idea. Love reading your blog, learn something new! :)