Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Pathetic, I know. Please don't call social services. There are Hot Pockets and waffles in the freezer, I promise. We even had a few protein bars left. But when I opened the fridge yesterday morning and finally focused on how COMPLETELY EMPTY it was ("would anyone like some A-1 on their yogurt? or perhaps some ketchup on their cream cheese?").... I really truly was slightly mortified that I could let my fridge reach this state! Are you even kidding me!?! Have I really been so blindsided working on projects and Christmas that I didn't see this coming?!? Were all those activities really more important than making sure my family has FOOD!?! Um...

All right, I admit it. I hate going to the grocery store. I hate it. I really do wait as long as possible to go, unless I am out of diet Coke and/or Ruffles. Actually, that's not true - I'll send my kids or my husband on a DC/Ruffles run, and they know they must go or face my wrath. But the store... the same things over and over again, year after year. Blahhhhhhhhh. Especially for those of us who are cursed with the I HATE COOKING curse. And it really IS a curse I might add. I would give ANYTHING to love to cook! ANYTHING! To have a family of boys and to hate cooking is a guilt-producing irony fest. Every single day! UGH. I can't even go there right now.

So YES, both John and I went to the grocery store yesterday. Even though it was pouring rain. And YES, our fridge is stocked with something besides condiments. And YES, our family once again has real food to eat. In fact, I'm fixing taco salad for dinner tonight - AND MY TACO SALAD IS REALLY GOOD - so please don't judge me too harshly. Oy - I need a diet Coke :)  


  1. Megan, I am the same way. I absolutely hate to go to the grocery store and I hate to cook even more. I know exactly how you feel. I so wish I loved to cook. It would make my life so much easier. Great post Megan! :)

  2. Oh, I am right there with you!!!
    My fridge often looks the same as yours, but usually has some limp celery and lettuce in the veggie drawer, waiting to be thrown out.

    Going to get groceries makes me crazy anymore. Too many decisions, sick of the same ol' same ol', but thats what I usually throw in the cart.

    I'm pretty much a heat-and-eat cook; Take it out of the box, microwave it, or bake at 350 for 20 min. Hubby is the one who LOVES to search for new recipes, shop for ingredients and slave over it for an hour.
    -Joanne Greene

  3. And my freezer also has hot pockets but with freezer-burned waffles (boys don't close the box or wrapper inside the box). I love an organized fridge...hate the kind stuffed to the max. At least no one can accuse your family of being wasteful!
    I also love it when my refrigerator is well-stocked but organized. I think this refrigerator organization thing stems back to my mother who (and I am not kidding) had suppositories from 1965 in her refrigerator until the mid-80's. She said, "They never get old." New houses and refrigerators came and went...but she always carried them with her. Don't know why. My mom is actually very neat and clean.Don't know why I told this story either...oh well.
