Tuesday, May 3, 2011


~ a rare photo of the Megibug with it's spots ~
It's true, peeps. Some of you have already noticed. Instead of all the honks and waves we give to each other... all our thumbs up and kisses thrown in the air as I go zooming all over town in the Megibug... I drive right past you and you don't even know it's me. Because I'm not driving the Megibug anymore :(
~ the Megibug friends ~
In fact, the Megibug is no longer the Megibug. You could even go so far as to say that the Megibug has been defrocked of all it's Megibugness. All my little Megibug friends have been removed... my MEGIBUG license plate will soon be the last thing to go.

John and I switched cars for all those annoying economic reasons like gas mileage and commuting, blah, blah, blah. So now I'm driving our white Tacoma truck. To be honest, I've always loved the Tacoma - it's an awesome truck. It's actually much easier on my back, and it's got power, and boy do I love power - bwa-ha-haaa :) But alas... it's not the Megibug. So before we continue... a moment of silence for the Megibug please :/ 
 ~ Awww... the Megibug in front of the Megihouse ~
~ Awww... the Megibug with her wings ready to take flight ~
 But it's not all bad... Luna has made friends with my Grouchy Ladybug. She carries her all over the house, nibbles on her now and then, and uses her as a pillow. It's pretty dang cute :)
 I think they were telling secrets here, but Luna does NOT like her picture being taken, so of course she froze the second she saw the camera... she's very sensitive that way...
~ at least one awesome thing that will stay with the Megibug ~
So from here on out folks, watch for me around town in the white Tacoma! I miss feeling the love out there when I'm driving around! I feel so invisible! The Megibug and I have been associated with each other for so long I almost feel like part of my identity has been erased! I need my honks and waves back!

EPILOGUE: As if handing over my MEGIBUG plates wasn't hard enough, he took my words off the back window..... I was crushed :( 


  1. you can still buzz around in it on the weekends and how about a tacoma dalmation? put those black dots on the truck. maybe not. i do really love your house! ding dong!

  2. Poor Megibug but just like my ladybug in the garden we are always evolving into something greater! Just wait and see!

  3. Thanks for your comments you guys! And Cindy, you just reminded me I saw an old VW Thing (remember those!?) a few weeks ago that was white with black cow spots painted on it.... it was pretty cute actually :)

    I'm good with the truck - I've already detailed the inside so it's Meg-ready and I'm in the process of making new CD's to listen to and deciding how else I'm gonna Meg it up :D
