Monday, January 3, 2011


Keeping my readers abreast on the most crucial newsworthy events,
I am pleased to announce that Pantone's "Color of the Year" for 2011
is the vibrant, cheerful *HONEYSUCKLE*
I will miss last year's gorgeous turquoise, but I think this is a capitol choice.
(especially since I thought of it myself months ago, but hey no biggie)
Go ahead and visit the ---------> Pantone site to read up on their FAB new color!
It's an interesting article about why they chose this lovely pink, and more photos. 
Have a magnificent, *HONEYSUCKLE* year!


  1. i love it and the fragrance of the plant, not the paint chip!

  2. Wouldn't that be SO COOL if they had scented paint chips!?!?! :D
