Friday, January 21, 2011

killer straws

Happy Friday everyone! I've been a STINK about posting this week.
I've been under the weather so that also means flying under the radar.
(what it really means is the couch + lot of meds + diet Coke)
But I have some cool things to show you today - YAY!

I'm very picky when it comes to my straws.
That's right - you might say I am a connoisseur of straws.
And I am very opinionated about my straws.

Thin straws are stupid. Wide straws are where it's at.
The wider and heftier, the better, says I!
Thin straws are for wimps that can only sip one teaspoon at a time.
("oh look at me - my 14oz. Coke will last me an entire 24 hours cuz I'm a wimp") 
Wide straws are for serious drinkers who crave a *BLAST* of flavor.
Flavor, carbonation, cold liquid, caffeine... ahhhhhhh.

For every day use, the obvious choice is a Wendy's straw.
The McDonald's straw was the gold standard for many years,
but when Wendy's made theirs slightly wider, I made the jump.
I have an entire kitchen drawer full of Wendy's straws.
(just don't EVER order Wendy's diet Coke - it's AWFUL)

For special occasions like when you'd rather hook an IV of diet Coke
directly into a vein, flooding your entire system as quickly as possible,
Boba straws are THE BOMB! They are as wide as your pinky finger!
That 44oz. vat of diet Coke you just poured will need a refill STAT!

But I just discovered some *KILLER* straws that came out of the blue!

While searching for something at my neighborhood CVS store,
I turned a corner and right there in front of me was a big pack of straws...
 in between Wendy's and boba straws in width! SCORE!!!
"Milkshake" Diet Coke straws made just for MEEEEE!!!!!!
I will admit, that they are not quite as hefty as I usually like,
but they're wide, come in a few colors, and cost .99 cents per bag -
How can you possibly beat that! They totally ROCK!
Milkshake straws? Oh... I think NOT!
 What a beautiful sight... *wipes a tear from her eye*
Just look at how WIDE that straw is! Yesssss!
I have, however, saved the best new *KILLER* straw for last.
It was a gift to me from my cousin Shell whom I adore.
I have never seen anything like it in my entire life. 
So get ready. Introducing:
A super wide straw, MADE OF METAL, that gets sooooo cold,
it keeps your desired beverage of choice cold for even longer.
Who thinks of this kind of stuff?!?! GENIUS!!!
 Ahhh, now just look at how chill this freaking amazing CHILLER is!
It's so chill........ it's CHILLAXIN'.........  


  1. hahaha... I saw some old fashioned WAX straws... also very a Williams- Sonama store window. At the time of the sighitng, the store was yet to open BUT, as soon as the time was right, I literally jumped into my car and sped to the store to score these wonderful icons from the drugstore days of my childhood.
    To my GREAT disappointment, the Williams-Sonoma employee looked at me very strangely and told me they were used for display purposes only.They did not sell them! I was very bummed.

  2. Metal straws are where its at when you want a true "brain freeze"! Love that! I must admit that I am a tiny thin strawed girl and love the teeny ones that come in cocktails! Guess it's my thin lips! :)

  3. I'm with you on the straws as well. Love the wider straws. How cool about that metal one too.

  4. Ok cousin, I LOVE SKINNY STRAWS!!! I can out drink you any day with my wimpy skinny straws. Love you bunches Shell

  5. Smoothie King has great straws and they are red! Just saying...I am fond of In N Out straws- to me they are the combination between McD's and Wendy's.

  6. I love that they are individually wrapped. That's classy. When you are in AZ, try the Quick Trip red straws. They are my personal favorite. Happy Chillaxin with your straws!

  7. Oh my gosh, you guys just CRACK. ME. UP. I guess I'm not the only opinionated one when it comes to straws after all! LOL! Great comments everyone - what fun :)

    Bev - what a bummer, sheesh!
    Laur & Maria - thanks for the suggestions!
    Shell - hey, I know you can drink me under AND over the table (you and your VAT!)... but I still think you're a freak to like skinny straws! LOL! Sure love you though :)

    Love to all! xoxoxo
